Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cupcakes bridging the gap

I promise there are some baking posts to come in the future. I pinky promise. In the meantime I wanted to share a cute experience I just had involving cupcakes and teenagers. My favorite and least favorite things, respectively.

I made a run to Lunardi's this afternoon because I needed to buy some almond flour and Safeway doesn't carry it. (Sidenote: Did you know that a small bag of almond flour costs $11??? Is that highway robbery or what? From now on I will buy it in bulk if I need it). Anyway, as I was walking in the store I saw someone sitting at a table outside with flyers, etc. and I thought "Oh crap, someone is going to try to sell me/get me to sign something" so I walked quickly by just barely glancing. I was wrong though. It was just a couple of high school kids selling cupcakes! To make it even more awesome, they were donating all of the money they made to help towards the BP oil spill. Could that be any cuter/more awesome???

I went inside and bought my grossly overpriced almond flour and when I came back out I walked over to their table. I told them I didn't want a cupcake but I did want to donate to their cause and they were stoked. They said "Don't you want a cupcake?? Everyone loves cupcakes!" I laughed. I told them I loved cupcakes more than anyone they know and I could prove it. I turned around and showed them my cupcake tattoos and they thought they were "so cool." They asked if I was a baker and I told them I am an aspiring baker, I hope to be a professional someday but right now it's just for fun. They asked me if tattoos hurt and I was honest. I told them they hurt but it isn't the worst pain ever, by any means. I also told them to wait to get their first tattoos and to make sure its something they really want. I told them to check out my license plate when I drove away, since that says Cupcake too and then the one kid said "You are, like, the coolest chick EVER."

Did you guys know? I am the coolest chick ever. So says some 15 year old kid.
It made me smile though. Maybe not all teenagers are horrible little bastards.

Oh, what was I buying the almond flour for? For that, you'll just have to check back later this week.

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